In this article, we will discuss the best ways to quickly increase male effectiveness at home and explore the reasons for such thorny problems.
the reason
- Stress and depression;
- Neurasthenia
- obesity;
- Passive lifestyle
- smokes;
- alcoholism;
- Systemic lack of sleep;
- diabetes;
- Spine injury or hernia.
Now let us continue to explore how to improve our effectiveness.
Dignified waist circumference
- When you are lying in bed, you will feel that your erection is weakened and you need to squeeze under the base of the penis with your fingers.
- You can apply the "tourniquet" by hand before putting on the condom, instead of removing it during putting on.
- Grab 3 fingers-thumb, index finger, and middle finger. Therefore, you can slow down the blood flow from the reproductive organs and enhance erection.
Pump your pelvic muscles
Men’s prostate is surrounded by pelvic muscles, which means that their physical condition directly affects men’s strength in bed in various ways.
Through the simplest physical exercises, you can improve your effectiveness without leaving home, such as:

- Squat-The simplest squat can be used as morning exercises;
- Soldier's footsteps-Put your hands on the belt and step in such a way: every step you take, your knees are raised to the level of your abdomen;
- Hold down-Put your hands on your waist, and your legs should be shoulder-width apart. Start squatting, stop halfway, and maintain this position for as long as possible.
- bicycle-Lie on your back and start to imitate cycling with your feet;
- Raise the pelvis-Lie on your back and place your palms, shoulder blades and feet on the floor. Start raising and lowering the pelvis, you should feel tension in the pelvic area;
- Run in place-Run regularly, only on site, do not lift socks off the ground;
- The fifth point of training-Lie on your back with your knees separated and benthalf. . . In this position, tighten the fifth point without using the hip muscles. You will feel tension in the perineum and the prostate will become stronger.
How often do you practice

Do at least 7 minutes of these exercises every day. When you feel comfortable, you can increase the time to 10 minutes. In 1-2 weeks, you will see the fruits of your labor.
This type of physical exercise is one of the easiest ways to quickly increase effectiveness at home.
The most important thing is to train regularly, don't give up or miss any day.
Correct posture
For people with sexual dysfunction and erectile maintenance problems, as well as older men, the worst position will be all the positions above women. In this position, blood flows from the penis according to the law of attraction, thus depriving you of pleasure.
The best posture is an upright posture.
E. g:
- The man is standing on the edge of the bed, and the woman is lying on her back with her legs on his shoulders;
- The woman was on all fours, and the man behind was kneeling.
Muscle of love

One of the most popular and easiest ways to improve male effectiveness at home. This muscle is also called the Kegel mouse or pubococcygeus muscle-this is the muscle that a man can interrupt the flow of urine in the toilet.
This muscle is also responsible for ejaculation.
The function of the pubococcygeus muscle
- Control the endurance in the bed;
- Responsible for the blood flowing to the genitals;
- Help your friends stay vigilant quickly.
Even for those who have no problems in bed, it is recommended to pump muscles.
work out
- Interrupt the flow of urine in the toilet-You need to stop 5-10 times when you go to the toilet once;
- Alternating short and long squeeze-You can do it anytime, anywhere, no one will see or guess anyway;
- Muscle tension isolated-Tighten the muscles as much as possible and keep the muscles of the legs, abs and buttocks relaxed.
Kegel muscle training is suitable for anyone-men and women of all ages. This is a universal therapy that quickly increases its effectiveness at home, and you don't need any drugs or preparations.
Toe to take care of your needs
- Every time you go to the toilet, do your own thing, stand on your toes;
- At the same time, you need to clench your teeth, keep your back straight, and tighten the muscles of your hips and abs.
This is needed:
- Stimulate the normal functioning of the kidneys;
- Improve bed endurance;
- Prevent the risk of impotence.
Exercise to increase blood flow to the penis

- Take a deep breath and hold your breath;
- Grasp the bottom of the penis with your thumb and index finger from above and below;
- Continue to inhale and start to stimulate the blood to transition from the base of the penis to the head in a wave motion;
- Counting from 1 to 10, getting closer and closer to the end on each number;
- Continue as long as you can persist in delaying the inhalation;
- No need for an erection.
In this way, you will improve your blood circulation and your friend's erectile potential. This is an ancient folk method of increasing male potency.
Don't waste your seeds
It doesn't matter whether you are having sex with a friend or satisfying yourself alone-try not to ejaculate.
This is most true for men over 50.
Young people find it easier to regain their strength after ejaculation, and it is easier to regain strength than the older generation.
Don't be confused! You don't need to stop sex, live as before, don't limit yourself. You just need to do it less frequently, that's it.
Pump press
Strong abdominal muscles directly affect the strength of men and women in bed.
work out:
- sit on the floor;
- Bend your legs and put your hands on them;
- Begin to lean the body back to a 45-degree angle with the ground, and then return to the original position;
Try to do it at least 15 times a day.
We recommend that you watch video clips about male power issues and ways to increase effectiveness at home.
Products that increase potency
The following foods are good for men to be strong:
- hen;
- veal;
- ginger;
- Boiled mackerel
- nut;
- Tangerine;
- fish oil;
- turnip;
- veal;
- lemon;
- seafood;
- egg.

- You need to massage your testicles.
- It is the male testicles that are responsible for the level of testosterone in the body and affect male strength.
- Faint and unstable attraction to opposite sex and libido massageNecessary. . .
- When the feeling is almost over, stop and massage the testicles, which can also combine the tension of the love muscles.
- No need to massage hard-no pain
This is an excellent home remedy that can quickly improve male effectiveness without any drugs or drugs. This is especially useful for men who already have symptoms of early menopause.
Mustard plaster
On a person's feet, there are some special points that are responsible for a man's sex life. They need to be activated to play to your advantage.
There are two ways to do it:
- Walk barefoot on the beach or grass;
- Apply the mustard paste on the feet for 10 minutes, then put on socks;
- Then you need to rinse your feet with water and wipe your feet with a rough cloth.
Get rid of bad habits
If you are very addicted to bad habits, it will be very difficult to improve your effectiveness at home.
Alcoholic beverages, especially light beverages such as beer, promote the production of female hormones, even in men. Of course, this is harmful to male ingredients, so it is best to refuse to use alcoholic beverages.
Cigarettes (waterpipes, electronic cigarettes) can cause narrowing of blood vessels and damage blood circulation, which can also have a negative impact on men's health.
Quitting alcohol and smoking are the best drugs to improve men's effectiveness without leaving home.
Folk remedies

- Garlic tincture-Can be purchased for free at any pharmacy. 3 times a day, 20 drops each time.
- Lung lobe tincture-Take 10 grams of lung grass, grind it and put it into a glass cup, pour it into boiling water, and let it stand for one hour. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
- walnut-Mix and crush with natural honey in the same proportion. Take it after a meal within 1 month and drink it with milk.
- asparagus-Take 10 medicinal asparagus berries and place them in a pan. Pour in 400ml of boiling water and close the lid. Let it stay for 8 hours. 3 times a day, 50 ml each time.
Hot and cold shower
- Contrast showering can improve blood circulation throughout the body, including the genitals.
- Try to change warm and cold water about 5 times in 1 shower, 30-50 seconds each time. Start with warm water and slightly cool water and gradually increase the amplitude.
- It is useful to go to the bathhouse or sauna from time to time.
Relax and rest
Calmness and relaxation are beneficial to men, and try to avoid negative emotions and situations in life.
- If there is an option to mitigate the conflict situation, please use it;
- In your free time, don't think about daily affairs or work-rest in complete peace;
- Avoid quarrels and scandals with your girlfriend;
- Try to avoid communicating with people with only negative emotions;
These are the best ways to quickly increase the effectiveness of men at home, whether young or adult men.
Work hard to solve problems and prevent them so that they don’t show up and you will succeed. Good luck!